"Bistro" by Tony Rosenberg is a charming short story that takes place in a quaint Italian bistro. The story follows Elizabeth and her friends as they gather for a fun lunch outing. When Elizabeth's partner, Eddie, and his friends join them, hijinks ensue as the waitress tries to figure out their relationships. Rosenberg excels at bringing this casual setting and a motley crew of characters to life. His descriptive details, from the aroma of the bistro's kitchen to the waitress's flowing sundress, make you feel like you're right there with Elizabeth and her pals. While the plot may seem simple on the surface, Rosenberg uses humor and an unexpected twist to keep things interesting. The waitress, in particular, stands out as an endearing character. Overall, "Bistro" is a quick, entertaining read with vivid scenes and a memorable cast of characters. It's a fine example of Rosenberg's talent for slice-of-life storytelling.
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